1800 hcg at 6 weeks normal

1800 hcg at 6 weeks normal
What are the normal levels of hcg at 5-6.I found out last week i was 5 weeks pregnant well i had some bleeding and i went to the er and the did an ultrasound and said everything looked good.
Normal HCG level for 6 weeks pregnant: Okay so I made a post earlier about my devastating dr appt. My dr basically has no hope for my baby. I haven't
6 th week, normal HCG level but no.

06.11.2006 · Best Answer: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG): The Pregnancy Hormone The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (better known as hCG) is produced during
No fetal heartbeat detectable at 5 weeks.
Normal HCG level for 6 weeks pregnant....
What is the normal hcg level for 6 weeks?.
12.03.2008 · Best Answer: They can vary..whats your current lvl? There's a huge variation in levels. Here are some websites that will help you calculate what your
I've just been through this this week - went in last Tuesday after some bleeding and my HCG was 15416 but nothing on scan other than a very early gestational sac. HCG
Normal HCG level for 6 weeks pregnant....
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No fetal heartbeat detectable at 5 weeks.